Source the electronic components you need to go-to-market quickly and economically. Overcome component supply challenges and get the quality components you need with our proven global sourcing and supply chain services.

ROSSONIX -Provides Original & New ONLY!

Rossonix Co., Limited was founded in 2011, now becomes a global sales enterprise of Industrial Control & Automation Parts and Electronic Components.

Rossonix provides a complete and cost-effective sourcing solution for OEMs, Contract Manufacturers, Service & Repair Organizations,
Distributors, R&D Groups and other companies that require the Industrial Automation Parts and Electronics.

We have a huge domestic sales network with stable supply-chain channels from the original manufacturers and their authorized agents and distributors.

Also, with our decades of cooperation with worldwide well-known manufacturers agents and distributors,as well as strong procurement team
to ensure the provision of reliable Original and New products (Including Control Systems, PLC,Transmitters, IGBT Power Modules, PLC Modules Motors, 
Controllers, Network System, LED/LCD , Sensors, Servos, Reducers, Communication Devices, Industrial Computers, Flow Meters, Analyzers,
Industrial Power Supply, ICs, Frequency Converter ,Relays and other Electronics...ect.)

Rossonix is certified to the ISO9001:2015 international quality standard.

Product Line Card:

Industrial Automation Parts: ABB, Allen-bradley, Emerson, Bently Nevada, Siemens, Danfoss, Omron, Honeywell, Eaton, Yokogawa, Fanuc,
Marposs, Heidenhain, Schneider, Beckhoff, Balluff, Sew, Sick, Festo, Fisher, Hydac, Ifm, Jumo, Hirschmann, Endress+hauser, Pepperl+fuchs,
Phoenix Contact, Rosemount, Weidmuller, Yaskawa, Foxboro, Bachmann,Baumer...ect

Electronic Components: Analog Devices,  Xilinx, ST,  TI,  NXP, ON, Broadcom, Cypress, Maxim, Micron, Microchip, Renesas, Samsung, Actel,
ADI, Altera, AMD, Atmel, Infineon, Intel, Intersil, Lattice, TE ...ect

We could also supply other products that you need.
Please email us sales@rossonix.com or by WhatsApp: 0086-17324401804

+86 755-29406151
+86 17324401804

